Gamers Not Happy About NFTs

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are quickly becoming the new way to monetize almost anything.

Since the NFT is “virtual” not real what you see is not what you get. What you get is a digital representation of the physical thing, so it’s like buying a picture of a car, but not getting the car.

There is a somewhat surprising backlash growing over the move by some fan-based companies over their attempt to sell NFTs to their customers.

Recently, the rabid Stan Lee fans have revolted over the tweet that his first Indian hero, Chakra The Invincible, would be selling an NFT (digital art) collection.

Per CBR-dot-com, his followers found “the tweet to be a degrading and irresponsible message that disrespects the legacy of Lee and his influence on popular art.”

Ubisoft issued NFTs in its Ghost Recon Breakpoint game to similar upset (their NFTs are getting low ball bids in the market) and GSC GameWorld backed off its plan to sell NFTs of players faces pasted on their avatar characters.

Many reason that the backlash is due to the anti-ecological effects of the need for extreme power for crypto mining, but the real reason is that fans feel that the gaming companies are picking their pockets.

About JeffKoeppel

I am a corporate/securities attorney in the Washington, DC area. Prior to joining the firm, I was a Senior Attorney Advisor in the Division of Corporation Finance at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. I am a member of the Bars of the States of Maryland, New York and the District of Columbia. You can also follow this blog on LinkedIn at:
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